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Green Team to begin work this summer!

The Green Team has been meeting and working with a consultant and contractors to evaluate…
July 25, 2024

Rev. Mary’s Retirement Celebration

What a fabulous send off we gave her! And it wouldn't have been possible without…
July 19, 2024


Transition Report The process for calling a new Rector has four stages: Stage One was sending…
July 19, 2024

Green Team to begin work this summer!

The Green Team has been meeting and working with a consultant and contractors to evaluate…

Rev. Mary’s Retirement Celebration

What a fabulous send off we gave her! And it wouldn't have been possible without…


Transition Report The process for calling a new Rector has four stages: Stage One was sending…

Goal 9: School Relations

Goal 9: Maintain and Improve the relations with the St. Michael’s Day School in this time…
Goal 8: Rector Transition
Goal 7: Expand Outreach
Goal 6: Becoming Carbon Neutral
Goal 5: Children, Youth & Young Adult
Goal 4: Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
Goal 3: New Members
Goal 2: Spiritual Formation
Goal 1: Member Ministry
What is Confirmation?
Entering into the Season of Lent
Christmas 2023 Space for Jesus.
Advent 2023 Taking Inventory of our Lives Week Three
Advent 2023 Taking inventory of our lives Week Two
Advent 2023 Taking Inventory of our Lives – Week One
Accepted Amended Bylaws of St. Michael’s Episcopal Church of Carmichael
Grateful for God’s Grace … Continue the March
Overflowing Gratitude
A Thank You Note from Starr King
Thank you for a lovely celebration of our First Ten Years!
Habitat for Humanity
Starr King Winter Wonderland
Your Investment in the Work of St. Michael’s
Give in faith … so our love will be here for generations to come
Sustaining Stewardship Success
The Baptismal Covenant
This violence has to stop!
COVID-19 Updates
Campus Space Renovations
On an adventure with Jesus
Ash Wednesday Reflection
Rev. Mary’s "Templeton" by Rev. Mary
St. Michael’s smallest helper Bleu, the mini blue heeler
Remembering 9/11 by Rev. Mary
Spiritually Speaking – Remembering 9/11
Centering Prayer – A Different Voice by Kate Muris & Chuck Schaller
Spiritual Direction: I Said Yes… by Kate Muris
Words I try to live by
Angel Story: A Holy Message by Tina Ferriot
Angel Story: One with many Angels by Laura Quené
Angel Story: A Higher Angel? by Paula Frink
An Angel in the Skies by Chris Chamness
God’s Plans by Michelle Falcy
An Angel in the Park by Rev. Mary
Driving with the Holy Spirit by Reneé Pierce
The Examen by Renee Pierce
"Trust in God and Be Grateful" by Chris Chamness
Keeping a Holy Lent by Jennifer Franz
Partial Wins
Listen… Listen… Pray by Kate Muris
To Take Away or To Add? That is the Question. by Paula Frink
Ah Lent! God Loves All People! by Tina Ferriot
Approaches to our Lenten Journeys by Mary Ellen Ferguson
Go into the quiet, Listen for God, Feel God’s peace and joy
Deacon Cindy Long COVID-19 Coping
Madeline Hudak COVID-19 Coping
Laura Walker COVID-19 Coping
Pamela Busby COVID-19 Coping
Invite*Welcome*Connect and Black Lives Matter by Mary Mussell
Jennifer Franz COVID-19 Coping
Carolyn Konrad COVID-19 Coping
Paula Frink COVID-19 Coping
Chris Chamness COVID-19 Coping
Janice Bowdler COVID-19 Coping
Eileen Thomas COVID-19 Coping
Kate Muris COVID-19 Coping
John Cozza, Music Director, COVID-19 Coping
Peter Hewitt COVID-19 Coping
The Good Book Club: Day 30 The Gospel of Matthew Easter 2020
The Good Book Club: Day 27 The Gospel of Matthew Easter 2020
The Good Book Club: Day 21 The Gospel of Matthew Easter 2020
The Good Book Club: Day 20 The Gospel of Matthew Easter 2020
The Good Book Club: Day 18 The Gospel of Matthew Easter 2020
The Good Book Club: Day 17 The Gospel of Matthew Easter 2020
The Good Book Club: Day 16 The Gospel of Matthew Easter 2020
The Good Book Club: Day 15 The Gospel of Matthew Easter 2020
The Good Book Club: Day 14 The Gospel of Matthew Easter. 2020
The Good Book Club: Day 13 The Gospel of Matthew Easter 2020
The Good Book Club: Day 12 The Gospel of Matthew Easter 2020
The Good Book Club: Day 11 The Gospel of Matthew Easter 2020
The Good Book Club: Day 10 The Gospel of Matthew Easter 2020
The Good Book Club: Day 9 The Gospel of Matthew Easter 2020
The Good Book Club: Day 8 The Gospel of Matthew Easter 2020
The Good Book Club: Day 7 The Gospel of Matthew Easter 2020
The Good Book Club: Day 6 The Gospel of Matthew Easter 2020
What are we called to do as a Christian Community?
The Good Book Club: Day 5 The Gospel of Matthew Easter 2020
The Good Book Club: Day 4 The Gospel of Matthew Easter 2020
The Good Book Club: Day 3 The Gospel of Matthew Easter 2020
The Good Book Club: Day 2 The Gospel of Matthew Easter 2020
The Good Book Club: Day 1 The Gospel of Matthew Easter 2020
Glory to you, God!
Christmas Check List
Lessons Learned: Charles King Fisher
What are your Essentials?
What makes St. Michael’s distinct in our living the Gospel?
Freedom without Boundaries is not Freedom at All!
What is the Christian Response when Powerful Retaliation is an Option in Syria?
In the final days of lent …
The Christian Life: Everyday Extraordinary
Parable of The Talents Day 40
Parable of The Ten Bridesmaids Day 39
Parable of The Rich Man and Lazarus & Spiritual Renewal Day 37 and 38
Parable of the Prodigal Son & The Shrewd Manager Day 35 and 36
Parable of The Banquet Host & The Great Dinner Day 31 and 32
Parable of The Hidden Treasure Day 30
The Commandment to Love Day 29
Parable of the Mustard Seed & The Yeast Day 27 and 28
Parable of The Lost Sheep & The Lost Coin Day 33 and 34
Be Like Children & Parable of the Lost Sheep Day 25 and 26
Parable of the Fishing Net & Old and New Day 23 and 24
Parables of the Hidden Treasure & Fine Pearls Day 21&22
Comparison to Ravens – Day 20
The Parable of The Unforgiving Servant – Day 19
Parable of The Sower on Good Soil & The Weeds Among The Wheat Day 17 and 18
Parable of The Sower on Rocky Ground & The Sower and The Thorns Day 15 and 16
Parable of The Wedding Banquet & The Sower and the Path Day 13 and 14
Parable of The Wise and Unfaithful Slave Day 12
Parable of The Wise and Faithful Servant Day 11
Compared to The Lilies & as "Little Flock" Day 9 and 10
Parable of The Rich Fool & The Fig Tree Day 7 and 8
Parable of The Moneylender & Comparison to Sparrows Day 5 and 6
Parable of The Wise Builder Day 4
Parable of Salt & Parable of Light Day 2 and 3
Parable of The Cloak and Wine Skins Day 1
Thank God for the Ten Commandments
Preparing for Lent
A Christian Response to the Orlando Shootings by Rev. Mary
The Twelfth Day of Christmas
The Eleventh Day of Christmas
The Tenth Day of Christmas
The Ninth Day of Christmas
The Eighth Day of Christmas
The Seventh Day of Christmas
The Sixth Day of Christmas
The Fifth Day of Christmas
The Fourth Day of Christmas
The Third Day of Christmas
The Second Day of Christmas
Christmas Day!
The Fourth Sunday of Advent
The Third Sunday of Advent
The Second Sunday of Advent
The First Sunday of Advent
Happy are they who do not sit in the seats of the scornful…Psalm 1:1
Temptations …
78th General Convention–NorCal Photos & Blog
Called to the Single Consecrated Life by Tina Ferriot
Thank you, St. Michael’s–I’ll be back!
Consider the poor and the needy
Alleluia. Christ is risen!