Glory and Honor to you – God – of all creation.
You are worthy to be praised.
Glory to you – Holy Spirit – who lives within all creation.
Your beauty knows no bounds;
from a smile on the lips of an infant
to the majestic beauty of your holy mountain,
Glory to you!
Glory to you – wherever you are …
In the lowly streets – deserted and destroyed by human hands
or in the robust markets of human cooperation.
Glory to your radiance – that makes the ugly heartbreakingly beautiful
and the beautiful shine!
Glory to you – in the places we cannot see but need to imagine.
Glory to the beauty of heaven
A place where all reside ….
welcomed, reconciled, forgiven.
Glory to you in the beauty of the
sounds, smells, sights, feel and tastes
of this place called heaven.
Glory to you Holy Spirit – who infuses light
Wisdom that molds and guides the order of the cosmos
Glory, and Power, and Strength Forever.