This year St. Michael’s Stewardship Campaign is starting early, beginning last Sunday, August 27th. As is our custom, the annual Pledge Drive lasts four short weeks, culminating on Ingathering Sunday, September 24, 2023, with the offering and collection of our new pledges. Concurrently that Sunday we will also celebrate the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel, our church’s namesake. Like a cherished wedding dress brought out annually from a closet and then returned we bring out from our “sacristy” closet the annual Pledge Drive during the remembrance of the Feast of St. Michael’s and bring back our signed pledges. This year, as is the custom for wedding dresses, we feature something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue, and a sixpence in our shoe (although hopefully the sixpence is pledged to our treasury). As for something borrowed, I am pleased to announce that Pastor Katie has prepared for us an ecumenical treat by inviting “guest preacher” Lutheran Pastor Frank Espegren of St. John’s Lutheran Church in Sacramento to deliver the sermon next Sunday, September 3rd. As for something old, we will again host the popular indoor/outdoor Barbeque on September 24th after the service featuring burgers, veggie burgers and hot dogs with all the trimmings, chips, beverages and for sure, ice cream! For something new, the prayer card to be mailed early September with your 2024 pledge card will feature a joint effort of Pastor Katie’s special prayer and the artwork of our own local artist Michael Johnson. Plus, we will showcase for the next 3 Sundays the heartfelt testimonials of three faithful parishioners: David Daigh, Terry Bridges and Susan Johnson. As for something blue, I have requested that parish administrator Michelle Falcy print this article in blue ink.
We the parishioners of St. Michael’s are exceptionally generous. Every year we increase and excel in participating in various good works. The scope and focus of St. Michael’s service to God and to humankind is almost unlimited and the number and magnitude of our projects almost defy efforts to count and document. In the spirit of love, we offer an expanded worship program such that anyone can come to worship and come to know God. We support our Diocese, the national Episcopal church, and our faith-based community. We provide exceptional pastoral care and provide multiple opportunities for lay ministry and service and support to our parish, local community, region, state, nation, and the world. Stewardship, the contribution of time, talent, and money is in our blood, it’s part of our basic DNA. Our last two stewardship campaigns have been very successful, and I invite you to maintain the gain, to “Continue the March” so to speak. When you receive your 2024 Pledge Card in the mail for completion, please prayerfully consider giving the maximum amount that you can realistically give, then sign the card and bring it to offer to God’s glory at the collection on Ingathering Sunday, September 24th. This will assure that our stewardship service to all will continue to be successful. For we are “Grateful for God’s Grace”, and we celebrate God’s infinite love by giving back with our treasure. Let’s sustain the momentum, let’s maintain the gain by continuing to contribute and to serve. Simply stated, “Continue the March”!
Respectfully submitted,
Chris Chamness,
Stewardship Committee Chair