Goal 9: Maintain and Improve the relations with the St. Michael’s Day School in this time of transition for both organizations.
Objective 9.1 By 06.30.24 The Building and Grounds Committee and the Green Team Committee working with the School’s Master Plan committee will have developed a report on how the master plan will be developed incorporating the Zero Carbon assessments into the plan.
Objective 9.2. By 06.30.24 the St. Michael’s Vestry will have participated in interviewing the school finalists and making recommendations to the School Search Committee.
Objective 9.3. By 12.31.24 the New Rector Search Team will have invited the School Board of Trustees will to comment on the Parish Profile, specifically related to the school and our relationship to the school. Also the School will be invited to participate in the interviewing of the finalists.
Objective 9.4. By 04.28.24 April School Anniversary celebration and evaluate the event in terms of potential benefit.
Objective 9.5. By 12.31.24 the Senior Warden (Rick Larkey) and StM Representative on the School Board (Mary Kessler) will report monthly to the Vestry about their monthly meeting with the School Leadership and School Board of Trustees respectively.