Goal 5: Children, Youth, and Young Adults—Offer opportunities for children, youth, and young adults to develop their spirituality, to grow in God

Objective 5.1. By 04.30.24 Mary Kessler will form a Children, Youth, & Young Adults Team that meets at least quarterly to oversee the implementation of the following objectives.
Objective 5.2. By 03.30.25 the Children, Youth, & Young Adults Team working with the Neighborhood & New Members Team will create two opportunities event/program to engage with and for the community around us with a focus on families and young adults.
- Some implementing ideas include events, volunteering, and fellowship experiences.
- Such experiences should include, but are not limited to, Theater Camp, Vacation Bible Schools, Trunk or Treat, Habitat for Humanity, Gifts from the Heart, and Rise Against Hunger which are events we currently hold but should be looked at yearly to find ways to be more community inclusive.
Objective 5.3. By 03.30.25 the Children, Youth, & Young Adults Team working with the Neighborhood & New Members Team, and the DEI Team will develop a communications plan to make continuous efforts to connect with the community families through advertisements of events such as classes, adult learning, events, and worship through the local school communities.
Objective 5.4. By 03.30.25 the Children, Youth, & Young Adults Team will work with the Boy Scout Troop as well as Cub Scout Troop that is hosted on Saint Michaels grounds, to recruit more scouts and support a joint activity.
Objective 5.5. By 03.30.25 the Children, Youth, & Young Adults Team working with the Mercy & Social Justice Committee will have recruited five high school students from the Private high schools to participate in service hours opportunities and as well as other events.
Objective 5.6. By 12.31.25 the Children, Youth, & Young Adults Team working with the Neighborhood & New Members Team, and the Spiritual Formation Team will produce two events to expand our outreach to families, both current and community, Examples of the events include a carnival, provide volunteer opportunities, and learning events.
Objective 5.7. By 12.31.24 the Children, Youth, & Young Adults Team working with the Neighborhood & New Members Team, the DEI Team, and Mercy & Social Justice Committee will develop a social media and community outreach plan. Comments to consider: explore ways to neighboring areas to engage the community, as well as to remind families of upcoming events and opportunities for them to participate in and with. For example, a sign on Cottage Way would be seen by parents dropping off at Starr King as well as by more of our day school families. Intentionally utilize Next Door, Instagram, etc.
Objective 5.8. By 12.31.24 the Children, Youth, & Young Adults Team working with the Neighborhood & New Members Team, the DEI Team, and Mercy & Social Justice Committee Continue will have developed a plan to engage with visiting families and those who are not in regular attendance. Invite back St Michaels school alumni families. Utilize events such as the Day School Baccalaureate to engage with and invite back to St. Michael’s events as well as worship.
Objective 5.9. By 03.30.25 the Children, Youth, & Young Adults Team working with the Neighborhood & New Members Team, the DEI Team, and Mercy & Social Justice Committee will develop a plan to attract families who have no faith community to check us out by offering baptisms, confirmation, grief support, etc.