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Serve in the Greater Community

We are delighted to offer opportunities for our members to love their neighbors and serve others.

Mercy & Social Justice

Serve in the Church

We are delighted to offer opportunities for our members to serve in our worship. Additionally, our members have opportunites to care for each other.

Hospitality VolunteeringServe in WorshipPastoral Care

Outreach to Our Neighbors

At St. Michael’s, our Mercy & Social Justice ministry connects members with several partner organizations to offer opportunities to serve those in need.  Here is an idea of what do annually.

Join the Volunteers

Summer 2024

Pentecost Season

June 15, 2024 | St. Michael's Indoor Yard Sale

Beginning June 9th, St. Michael’s will be accepting donation for our yard sale.  Members will gather to sort, price, and organize what is donated.  On June 15th, at 8am the doors will open.  After we close our last sale, the remaining items will be donated to the following organizations:

  • American Cancer Society
  • Family Promise
  • Carmichael HART
  • Disabled Veterans
  • Floyd Elementary Clothes Closet
  • Friends of the Library
  • International Rescue Committee
  • Lions Club Prison Project
  • Loaves & Fishes
  • Starr King K-8
  • Thrift Store
  • Homeless Effort, Clothing, Shoes, Blankets
  • Transition Homeless House

All the children’s items donated, all books, all kitchen and household items, 184 pairs of eyeglasses, all clothing and all backpacks were given to organizations above to help support their programs.

Diaper Drive | Continuing from May through June 16, Father's Day

Every year, beginning on Mother’s Day, we ask that our members donate diapers to our diaper drive. We do this because several years ago, when we were doing community dinners at St. Matthew’s, we offered some diapers we received as a donation.  The people in the community went crazy for them!  We realized that among the refugees, money was tight and diapers were expensive.  We began this drive knowing that this was a wonderful way to love some of our most vulnerable neighbors.  This year, we are running this drive through Father’s Day.

Many of us are downsizing, giving away, or cleaning out our clutter.  Here is an idea!  Celebrate Mother’s Day and Father’s Day by giving the gift of clean diapers to new mothers and fathers who may not be able to afford to buy them for their children.  Just think, you can be grateful that you don’t have to change the diapers yourself!

All the diapers (and money) we collect go to River City Food Bank for distribution among their clients.

Starr King K-8 Backpack Project

St. Michael’s collects back packs and other school supplies for the children and teachers of Starr King K-8.  We have given the teachers at the school Sanitary Wipes, Tissues, and Hand Sanitizer.  We think that when we give, we help the teachers as well as the students.  At St. Michael’s, we have many retired teachers and we know that if the classroom needs it, often the teachers, themselves, will provide it!  Thank you for supporting this wonderful program!

Fall 2024

September, October, November | Pentecost

Trunk or Treat | October 31st | Halloween Night

St. Michael’s decorates their cars and loads them up with candy to give to the many gremlins and ghosts who come to trick or treat in our parking lot, which creates a safe and fun evening for all!

Thanksgiving Gift Cards

We collect donations to buy gift cards that are distributed at the Center @ St. Matthew’s and at River City Food Bank.  We give them out around Thanksgiving to give people a chance to add a little bit more to their Thanksgiving dinner.

Online Donation

Gifts from the Heart

We give over 120 people a beautiful Christmas with presents and a lovely stocking made with their names on it in glitter packed with things picked out specifically for each person.  We partner with county to serve these 120 people who are not forgotten at Christmas.

Winter 2024 & 2025

Advent, Christmas & Epiphany

Habitat for Humanity | Build for Unity

Build for Unity is a program that began in 2016 when Habitat for Humanity brought faith groups of different traditions together to work on houses for people of different faith traditions.  St. Michael’s has participated since 2016 in this project.  This year, 2024, we helped for three days, 30 slots, painting two house and building fences.  We plan to have 30 slots open again this coming year.  We would love for you to join us!

Learn More

Carmichael HART | Winter Respite

Winter Respite is a program where St. Michael’s members are invited to go to a host church, Christ Congregational Church, and offer a warm breakfast, clean cots for rest, and a sack lunch for the day.  This respite allows people without homes to have a break from the rain and cold during the winter months.  This allows our members to reach out and serve those in need and an opportunity to get to know our neighbors.

Find it Online

Spring 2024

Diaper Drive | Mother's Day (May 12) through Father's Day (June 16)

Every year, beginning on Mother’s Day, we ask that our members donate diapers to our diaper drive. We do this because several years ago, when we were doing community dinners at St. Matthew’s, we offered some diapers we received as a donation.  The people in the community went crazy for them!  We realized that among the refugees, money was tight and diapers were expensive.  We began this drive knowing that this was a wonderful way to love some of our most vulnerable neighbors.  This year, we are running this drive through Father’s Day.

Many of us are downsizing, giving away, or cleaning out our clutter.  Here is an idea!  Celebrate Mother’s Day and Father’s Day by giving the gift of clean diapers to new mothers and fathers who may not be able to afford to buy them for their children.  Just think, you can be grateful that you don’t have to change the diapers yourself!

All the diapers (and money) we collect go to River City Food Bank for distribution among their clients.

Online Donation

March (Easter Alms Giving)

Easter Gift Card Collection

During lent, we collect money to buy gift cards that are distributed to guests at River City Food Bank and people from the community of the Center @ St. Matthew’s. When you give online, please use the Food Gift Card option on the drop down menu.  Please have your donations to this program in the office by March 24th so that we can get the cards to the clients in order that they have a wonderful Easter Celebration!

Give Online

Hygiene Kit Collection for Starr King's 5th Graders

Starr King K-8, one of our ministry partners, does a hygiene unit with their 5th grade students.  To supplement the learning, St. Michael’s has done a hygiene kit collection so that the students can “shop” for their supplies after the completion of the unit.  We would love to wrap this program up on Easter, March 31st.  So many have already donated very generously and we are so grateful for that!

Hygiene Items

  • Shampoo and Condition (in one or separate bottles).
  • Body and Face Wash
  • Bars of Soap
  • Deodorant
  • Tooth Paste
  • Tooth Brush

You can shop on your own, just bring your full size items to the office or drop them into the baskets in the back of the last pew in the sanctuary.


Rise Against Hunger | April 20, 2024 | 10am | Johnstone Hall

We will gather on Saturday, April 20th at 10am to pack 15,000 meals that will be shipped overseas to help hungry children eat before they go school so they can learn.

Last year we packed over 15,000 meals that went to Vietnam.  This is a fun day to work together and serve others!

Sign Up

Charitable Giving

Bob McMichael came to our beloved (and now retired) Deacon Cindy and me a while back wondering about our reserve funds. He thought that having some reserves was prudent and wise. However, he wondered if we could take a “significant amount” and use it to relieve some of the suffering that was growing around us all exacerbated  by COVID. We brought this to the vestry and embarked on a journey together to determine if Bob’s idea was right for St. Michael’s at this time. The vestry determined that it is the responsibility of the church to give to those in need when we are able to do so. And so we are!

St. Michael's Significant Gift

Projects we are proud of ...

Showing up to Serve Those in Need

HART Winter Respite

St. Michael’s’ members served our neighbors without homes three mornings in January and February at Christ Community Church in Carmichael offering respite from the cold and rain.  Members cooked and served a hot breakfast, made lunches available for people to take with them, and created fellowship.  There were cots available for people to rest out of the wet and cold.

We are grateful for Cindy Dewey for organizing our involvement in Winter Shelter and her team for providing care with grace to our neighbors in need.

Habitat for Humanity – Build for Unity

One again, St. Michael’s participated in Habitat for Humanity’s  Build for Unity.  Thank you Terry Bridges for organizing our participants.  This year, along with other faith communities in the Sacramento Area, we helped paint two houses and put in fences.  We filled 30 slots, contributing much to the Build for Unity in Sacramento.

2023 Mercy & Social Justice Parishioner Guided Grants

St. Michael’s Mercy and Social Justice Committee is excited to announce the 2023 Parishioner Guided Grants Recipients. This year, twice as many applications were submitted relative to past years. We are grateful for the generosity of those who attended the fundraiser and the wisdom of the Vestry who made it possible to give as much as we did. The grants were authored by fourteen parishioners who are each involved in their nominated program – in most cases with other members. This year, one St. Michael’s member chose to fund one of the grants and we had another member match a grant that was submitted. In total, we were able to give $24,000 to 14 different programs!

Congratulations to the nominators and recipients. Through these grants, St. Michael’s shows that we love our neighbors and respect the dignity of every human being.

  1. Women’s Empowerment Nominated by Mary Ellen Ferguson
  2. The Center at St. Matthew’s Nominated by Mary Ellen Ferguson
  3. St. John’s Program for Real Change Nominated by Esta Wiederanders
  4. International Rescue Committee Nominated by Christina Manning
  5. Golden Valley Quilt Nominated by Jane Samuelson
  6. Sac Blankets / Sac Kids Nominated by Jan Bowdler
  7. Mission at St. Matthews Nominated by Julie Linderman
  8. Carmichael HART Winter Services “Winter Respite Days” Nominated by Julie Linderman
  9. River City Food Bank Nominated by Eileen Thomas
  10. PANC Exhibitor Nominated by Dancy Dobrenick
  11. PANC Respite Care Nominated by Kay Griffin and Marcie Larkey
  12. American River Parkway Education Nominated by Jim Sargent
  13. Loaves & Fishes Nominated by Jim Dodds
  14. Blessings in a Backpack Nominated by Renee Pierce

Working For Justice

Continuing 2015 Goals

Goals and Objectives … 2015 | We are still Keeping on!

Goal #1 Provide focused and balanced outreach in the 4 areas identified within the structure of Mercy and Social Justice: fundraising/check writing, in kind donations, doing to and for, partnerships/doing with.

Objective:  Create a structure to define and review outreach partners.  We have lived into this goal for the past 8-9 years.

Objective:  Build relationships with partners – we have built relationships with multiple partners and you can find them here.

Objective:  Create a plan for charitable giving – in 2022, we gave $100,000 in charitable grants.  The vestry, at that time, defined our policy for reserve funds which includes the possibility for the vestry to make the decision to give out of St. Michael’s reserves charitably.  We partner with the vestry in our charitable giving.

Objective:  Offer opportunities in each area with careful consideration that there is balance across the 4 areas – we have done this remarkably well.  We have learned; however, that finding communities to truly partner with, where there is a balance of decision making power has been difficult.  We continue to search for those opportunities.

Goal #2 Create an Advocacy Ministry

This area has not yet been developed systematically within St. Michael’s.  Many people are more aware of what leads to poverty, systematic racism, and many of the injustices suffered by LGTBQAI+ and those of color.

Goal #3 Communicate well with other committees

We continue to work on this goal.

New Goals to strive for!

Goals and Objectives … 2023/2024

Create Opportunities to Expand Outreach

Objective:  Create a “housing advocacy” group to learn about the housing situation in Sacramento, create ways to advocate for more housing and support for people who are without housing.  Leverage our involvement with HART, St. Mattews, RCFB and AACFC.

Objective:  Expand partnership with Loaves and Fishes by organizing a St. Michaels team to volunteer once a month.

Objective:  Explore within our partnership with International Rescue Committee opportunities to help Refugees and discern at least 2 ideas for involvement opportunities to our members.

Objective:  Identify current outreach activities where we can partner with other faith groups in service to others.

This is the work ahead of us.  It is exciting!