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Celebrating Hope Peace Joy Love Together

Sunday Worship

Come worship in the beauty of holiness. Our music is traditional, our table is open to all God’s people, and our sermons inspire love, mercy, and justice!



Holy Eucharist Rite II (with choir) and Livestream



Contemplative Prayer Service on zoom

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Christmas Eve

Tuesday, December 24th

5pm Family Service with Christmas Pageant

9pm Choral Service with Festival of Christmas Carols at 8:30pm

Christmas Morning

Wednesday, December 25th

10am Worship Service

Weekly Livestream

Tune in from anywhere

We encourage you to pick up a host to participate real time with the consecrated bread.

The links and bulletins for our 10am and 5pm Sunday Services are included below.

What's Happening

Connect through Worship

The bulletin will assist you with the livestream service.  You will also find information about upcoming church services, events, and more!

“Ask, and it will be given to you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you.”

John 7:7

Make a Prayer request

Annual Meeting

Sunday February 2, 2025

St. Michael’s annual meeting will be immediately following the 10am service with a lunch. During the meeting we will be voting for Vestry Members and Diocesan Delegates and taking a look at 2024 and look to the future. For more info and Vestry/Diocesan Delegate Application forms please check out our Vestry Page and Event Page.

Epiphany Evensong Service

Sunday January 5, 2025

This year we will be celebrating Epiphany at a 5pm sundown service of Evensong on Sunday January 5, 2025. The service will be filled with choral music, psalms and canticles. We will gather for an Epiphany potluck dinner in Parish Hall complete with a kings cake immediately following the service. Please contact the office or Renée Pierce if you would like to assist with the reception and bring a dish!

Search for A New Rector

We are excited to announce that we have hired an Interim Rector. The Rev. Andy Lobban will be joining us on November 3rd.  More info can be found on our Clergy & Staff page.

A Leader Transition page has been added under About with the updates as we move forward in this transition period.