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Thank you for a lovely celebration of our First Ten Years!

Wow! What a wonderful way to honor our first ten years together. I felt so honored, so loved, so appreciated. Thank you to all who came and Celebrated. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

I am so grateful for the people of St. Michael’s. I am humbled by the ministry we have done together. It is hard to believe that it has been ten years, yet the fruits of our work make it seem like it has been so many more years!

These last ten years have been rewarding, affirming, Spirit filled, joyful and challenging. God’s Hope was fulfilled in so many ways by so many different people! Our time together was also filled with opportunities for growth within me: Personal, spiritual, and professional. I hope they have been for you too.

I appreciate how you all forgive my mistakes, and missteps and are so patient with all my quirks! Your grace has taught me to see God more clearly. Everyday, you teach me to love better. Thank you!

There are so many members that are deserving of having their names spelled out here. People with who I am so grateful — I know that I will never be able to truly express the depth of my gratitude except to say, I love you!

When I came here, I loved the Episcopal Church. And during these ten years? My love for it has grown—for now I know St. Michael’s particular expression of God’s love and it is truly awesome! We are


Willing, and

Always open to God’s grace…

And above all, thank you for inviting me into your lives! Thanks be to God and all your open hearts!

Rev. Mary+

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