We belong to The Episcopal Church, which is made up of 109 dioceses in 16 nations. The founding fathers of our great nation helped establish the Episcopal Church shortly after the American Revolution. Our roots are with the Church of England and we remain part of the Anglican Communion.
Queen Elizabeth I declared that the Church of England would be a prayer book religion. As part of the Anglican Communion, we remain this way today. We are not dogmatic like the Roman Catholics. We are not Creedal like the Presbyterians. We are the middle way, between the Roman Catholic Church and the Protestant Churches. We believe the authority of God is given to us through three sources: Scripture, Tradition, and Reason.
The Episcopal Church is being lead by our Presiding Bishop, The Most Rev. Michael Curry, into the Jesus Movement: The Way of Love. We are all invited to join in this ancient and wonderful movement.
The Way of Love continues the Episcopal Church’s work of Justice and Mercy. To this end, the church offers resources to explore a number ways we too can join in this movement. These can be explored on the website of the Episcopal Church. Links may be found here.