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Our Vision

To create a culture where the people of St. Michael’s Church pastor to one another with open hearts, healthy emotional attitudes, good boundaries, and a sense of God’s presence in their work.

The Big Picture: 4 Different Levels of Care & Ways to Offer Care


Caring Hearts

Caring Hearts joins the Meal Train! This is a system for providing meals for our fellow parishioners who are in need of delivered dinners due to temporary illness or injury. David Daigh is coordinating this on line system which connects requestors with people willing to cook and deliver a meal.

How It Works — We recommend that people request 2-3 meals per week. Simply call the church office and Michelle, our Parish Administrator will forward your request to our coordinator. The request is then emailed to all of our Meal Train volunteers, who then sign up for a date to provide a meal as they are able. The recipient is notified of the dates and person who will bring the meal.

To Request Meals — Call the Church Office (916) 488 3550 and leave a message stating your name, phone number and that you are requesting “meal train”. You will receive a call to clarify dates etc.

To be a Meal Train volunteer — contact David Daigh through the church This is a great way that we can be there for one another in times of need!


Pastoral Partners

Pastoral friends offer intentional hospitality, connection and support through cards and regular check ins with members who may be feeling isolated due to illness or other life circumstances.  We are aware of how many people are in need of this ministry after being isolated due to COVID.  ALSO, if you are new(ish) to the church and want help connecting, please consider this opportunity. Please contact the office if you are interested in this ministry as a care provider or care receiver.  Your request will remain confidential.


Pastoral Ministers

Pastoral Ministers and Bereavement Ministries offer ongoing spiritually based pastoral care. We use Community of Hope Curriculum for training. Our first group finished in June 2015 and since then we have had a Community of Hope team active at St. Michael’s. If interested in being a recipient or a minister please contact the office.


Clergy Pastoral Care

Clergy also offer pastoral care for those who feel the need for clergy presence. Please call the office or email for assistance.


We have participated in a 13 session GriefShare class.  At the present time, we are not offering a group of our own.  GriefShare groups are for people grieving the death of a loved one and they offer support, opportunities for conversation and helpful videos. For more information and/or to register for either of these programs please go to the GriefShare website.

Spiritual Direction

Spiritual Direction is a time set aside for you to meet with a Spiritual Director to talk about how God is present in your life.  Intrigued?  Please connect with Kate Muris to learn more about this opportunity to deepen your faith and connect with God.  This goes with that Episcopal joke: All may, none must, some should.  This is a gift you give yourself!

Eucharistic Visitors

We have members of our congregation who bring the Eucharist to those who are unable to come and receive it for themselves.  If you are interested in this ministry, please let the office know.

Contact the OfficeEucharistic Visitation Form