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Listen… Listen… Pray by Kate Muris

By March 4, 2021No Comments

I talk a lot! But I want to learn to listen!!! I want to learn to listen with better intention, better retention. I want to listen in the silence of my head free of the noisy, distracting chatter of my many thoughts. I want to honor the gift others bring with their conversation, challenges, choices to make. 

I want to listen to God. I’m not sure I know how…

My Lenten journey is twofold: To Listen and To Pray. How? Silence is somewhat terrifying, yet awesome, if I let go and sink into it. I find I miss it, the silence, when I distract myself and don’t set time aside to “be silent” and to listen. If I discipline myself to allow enough silence often enough, surprisingly I am surrounded by a feeling of fellowship with the air and the nothingness … and maybe … something else. Once in a great while, I sense the presence of God. And that is somewhat terrifying yet awesome.

I talk a lot. I want to talk to God. Again, how? It’s not that I don’t talk to God, it’s that I want to talk to Him on a deeper level. 

This Lent I’m reading a very old, very small book I found in our library just before the remodel of the Sanctuary, “I Want to Talk With God”, the dynamic of prayer by Stephen Winward. I immediately sensed the difference between “talk to” and “talk with”. My thoughts have been immersed in this marvelous journey of learning how to talk with God and to pray with Him. Listening, listening and praying with love. In the silence of my surroundings and inside me, I find myself surrounded by God.


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