Goal 6: Green Team—With the National Church and Diocese, move towards carbon neutrality by 2030
Objective 1: By 02.15.25 The St. Michael’s Parish will have submitted a Carbon Neutral Plan to the Diocese.
Objective 1.1: By 01.31.25 the Vestry will have adopted a Carbon Neutral Plan.
Objective 1.2: By 11.30.24 the Vestry will have adopted a six-year (FY2025-2030) funding plan to make the changes to achieve the Carbon Neutral Goal by 2030.
Objective 1.3: By 11.30.24 the Vestry will have included the Year 1 cost of the five year plan in the 2025 budget.
Objective 1.4: By 12.31.24 the staff and congregation will have been presented a series of recommended the behavioral changes necessary to achieve the Carbon Neutral Goal.
Objective 2: By 12.31. 24 The Green Team working with Children, Youth, & Young Adults Team will encourage the St. Michael’s Parish members to become carbon neutral by 2030. Consider using Hybrid Vehicles/EVs
Objective 2.1: By 12.31.24 the congregation will have information and tools to begin exploring how to become carbon neutral.
Objective 2.2: By 12.31.24 the congregation will have information regarding available resources to assist in making changes to homes and vehicles to become more energy efficient.
Objective 3: By 03.30.24 the Green Team working with the StM School Team will encourage the St. Michael’s School to become carbon neutral by 2030. Consider using: Include day school and Green bins for school and church use.
Objective 3.1: By 03.30.24 the school will have decided about participating in the Interfaith Service Bureau energy audit.
Objective 3.2: By 03.30.24 the school and church will have developed an agreement on how to work together to address the net carbon neutral issue.
Objective 4: By 12.31.24 the Green Team working with Neighborhood & New Members Team, and the Children, Youth, & Young Adults Team will encourage the neighborhood to become carbon neutral by 2030 Consider using: Invite high schools to join us, Offer educational programs for energy efficiency and conservations, education – adults – website content, Hybrid cars
Objective 4.1. By 12.31.24 the Green Team working in cooperation with the Neighborhood & New Members Team, and the Children, Youth, & Young Adults Team will have invited the neighborhood residents to participate in climate-carbon neutral related events.
Objective 4.2. By 12.31.24 the Green Team working in cooperation with the Neighborhood & New Members Team, and the Children, Youth, & Young Adults Team will approach the high schools, junior highs, and elementary schools in the area, to assess interest in participating in climate-carbon neutral events.