Goal 2: Spiritual Formation—Offer spiritual opportunities that draw us into a relationship with Jesus no matter where we are in our spiritual journey

Objective 2.1 By 04.30.24 Chris Chamness will form a Spiritual Formation Team. The purpose of this team is to meet with the clergy to calendar events and offer lay assistance where appropriate. Calendaring will include objective 2.4.
Objective 2.2 By 12.31.24 the Spiritual Formation Team will support the scheduled educational opportunities that are offered for all levels of engagement and spiritual experience for 2024 & 2025 including:
Objective 2.3. – By 12.31.24 the Rector will support the EFM ministry as necessary. These may include suggesting names of people who may be interested in joining the class, assuring the placement of advertising signups for the coming year, and supporting it in other ways that are determined by the mentors and Rector.
Objective 2.4. By 06.30.25 the Spiritual Formation Team will support the clergy in Seasonal Adult Classes offered: These classes are concrete, finite and easily accessible to those entering their spiritual journey considering the following comments.
- The class(es) provides an opportunity to significantly deepen ones faith.
- Have Adult education classes, book studies, etc. offered regularly: An Advent & Christmas, Lent, Easter, Pentecost seasons in our church year. Regularly could be defined to include at least 4 seasons a year.
Objective 2.5. By 03.30.25 the Spiritual Formation Team working with the Bible Study leaders – will have recruited 3 new members.
Objective 2.6. By 03.30.25 the Spiritual Formation Team will have trained 3 new people in one or more of the Teaching Prayer modalities –
- supporting centering prayer introductory class yearly,
- training morning prayer leaders and,
- bereavement.
Objective 2.8. Clergy will lead either an Episcopal 101 class or Confirmation class yearly.
Objective 2.7. By 03.30.25 the Spiritual Formation Team will have recruited 12 people to attend spiritual events using the seasonal calendar to offer a variety of opportunities to engage in Spiritual Practices communally or individually. May include:
- Morning prayer
- Advent & Christmas, Lent, Easter, Pentecost.
- Offer opportunities to reflect on outreach engagements
- Look for opportunities to include the labyrinth
- Track: attendance – how many people were engaged, participation (who was engaged),
- Sacred Circle
Objective 2.8. The Spiritual Formation Team will have promoted the services we are offering through the church website, Messenger, and church bulletins, monthly. Completed.
Objective 2.10. By 09.30.25 the Spiritual Formation Team will have offered a large group (defined as at least 50% of our ASA) retreat and a small group retreat.
Objective 2.11. By 03.30.25 the Spiritual Formation Team collaborating with Youth and Children Team have developed one event/program to support the spiritual formation for youth and families.