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Sunday Services



Holy Eucharist Rite II (with choir) and Livestream



Contemplative Prayer Service with zoom

Past ServicesFull ScheduleCalendar
Join Us in Worship

Our 10am service is traditional, with beautiful music.  We are fortunate to have a very talented music director and active choir with a wide repertoire.  Our services last anywhere between an hour and an hour and half.  We are steeped in the Episcopal traditions of rich liturgy, music, and imagery.  Our nursery opens at 9:30am and officially closes at noon.  For more information about the nursery, connect with Pastor Katie.  Casual attire is welcome!

Please join us in person OR virtually for our 10 am Sunday morning livestream service.  Our livestream link is on the front page of our website and on this page shortly after the 10am livestream ends. We encourage you to pick up a host to participate real time with the consecrated bread.  After the service, please join us for light refreshments and coffee in the parish hall.

Our 5pm Contemplative Prayer Service is offered on Zoom.  We have a quiet prayer time with music and a short silent meditation.  This service is not recorded.

10AM Worship Service

Watch the Livestream

includes a dedicated and talented choir who inspires our congregation in worship.

5PM Contemplative Prayer Service on Zoom

is a mix of music, prayer, and a period of silence.

Zoom Link

More Info

In place of a sermon, there is time for contemplative prayer.  Here is the zoom link for this service.  After you enter, the host will let you in.

9AM Monday thru Thursday Zoom Morning Prayer


is the first prayer service of the day that consists of prayer and scripture.

8:30AM Friday Eucharist

is a Eucharistic service with a 20 minute silent sit.  Please enter through the side door.

Consecrated Hosts Available

We have consecrated hosts available for parishioners interested in receiving communion at home during their preferred online services.

These will be available at the front desk of the office on Monday through Thursday at 9:30am – 1pm. We can also make arrangements if you need someone to bring a host to you, please email the office.

Worship Ministries

St. Michael’s offers a number of opportunities for church members to join in worship. Check out the ministries available for volunteering!

Lay Ministry

Engagement in service during Worship through reading, serving at the altar, greeting or ushering all help those involved engage more deeply with the holy. It also is something that is necessary to keep our services going. Any and all involvement is very much appreciated!

Join the MinistryLearn More

Music Ministry

The purpose of the music ministry at St. Michael’s is to provide beautiful music which will enhance the worship experience and glorify God by uplifting the hearts and minds of both the listeners and the participants, and to offer participants an opportunity to share their musical talents in a meaningful and fulfilling way.

Join the MinistryLearn More


A wedding at St. Michael’s is two people exchanging vows in the presence of God (as represented by the church building and/or the priest) to live in the covenant of marriage. Together the priest and the couple plan the ceremony so it is meaningful to the couple and the community supporting them.  The Episcopal Church asks that the couple engage in pre-marital counseling. This is all to prepare the couple to thrive in their marriage and flourish in life!

Get Married at St. Michael'sQuestions? Ask Us!


Baptism creates in us an awareness that we are children of God and invites us into a community that believes in resisting evil, loving our neighbors as God loves us, seeking forgiveness when we don’t, living by the principles of Jesus, striving for justice and peace, and respecting the dignity of every human being.

The waters of Baptism symbolize dying to a new life and/or a cleansing of our hearts and minds.  God’s adoption into the church help us remember that nothing can separate us from God’s love in Christ. We believe that the prayer over the newly baptized says it all

Heavenly Father, we thank you that by water and the Holy Spirit you have bestowed upon these your servants the forgiveness of sin, and have raised them to the new life of grace. Sustain them, O Lord, in your Holy Spirit. Give them an inquiring and discerning heart, the courage to will and to persevere, a spirit to know and to love you, and the gift of joy and wonder in all your works. Amen.

We believe that in baptism the bond which God establishes indissoluble.

Holy Baptisms are done during our Sunday 10am Worship Services.  There is a Baptismal Class for the parents (if appropriate) and God-parents and the candidate (when appropriate).

Inquire about BaptismsThe Baptismal Covenant


We have no confirmation class scheduled at this time but have followed The Way of Love program in previous classes. For more information please check out The Episcopal Church’s Way of Love.

The Way of Love

Memorials and Celebration of Life Services

The focus of our Burial Rite is to Celebrate the life of the person who died, help the family through their initial grief, and liturgically give their human life over to the care of God. We believe that life for the deceased has changed not ended. We try to help their loved ones feel and see that their presence continues after their death. Contact the office for information regarding burials or for assistance in planning the service of a loved one.

Columbarium InformationPast Celebrations of LIfe services