Knowledge, Experience, Reflection: We invite you to continue your spiritual journey with us by going deeper into the knowledge and love of God.
Sunday Services
Holy Eucharist Rite II (with choir) and Livestream
Zoom evening contemporary prayer service
All are Welcome!
It is the belief of the Episcopal Church that education should be fostered at all levels and ages within the church. At St. Michael’s, we believe in life-long learning and because we all learn in a variety of ways, we offer opportunities to learn by reading, listening, discussing, experiencing, and being together in the midst of God. For our youngest, we teach with the help of the Godly Play experience. For youth, we offer opportunities to serve.
Adult Education
At St. Michael’s, we are dedicated to making sure our congregation has the knowledge and power needed to live lives according to the Word and Will of Christ. To this end, we offer seasonal education series, weekly bible study, an introduction to the Episcopal Church, Education for Ministry, Episcopal 101, and Confirmation Class.
Youth Education
St. Michael’s offers Sunday School for children 3 through 9 years of age. In addition, throughout the year, youth have many opportunities to serve the local community, have fellowship with youth from other churches, and organize their own summer mission trip.
St. Michael's Book Shelf
Jesus came to free the oppressed and love the vulnerable. We are aware that reality for many is significantly different than our own experience. Led by the Spirit, we are seeking opportunities to understand the struggles of others in order to be more merciful and work for justice for all.
St. Michael's Wants to Listen and Learn
Please consider contributing a title to our bookshelf. You can contribute a book title, documentary, movie, Podcast, or article. Send your suggestion to the office. We ask that your suggestions have had a faithful impact on your understanding of the world and God.
Suggest a Media Item
Fill out the form below to request the addition of media to the St. Michael’s Book Shelf. Church staff will review your entry and add it if deemed relevant and appropriate.