We connect through prayer. Prayer is a powerful way to change the world, especially because of the change it makes in the person praying. Prayers for others are acts of compassion and love and as a result our hearts grow bigger and we begin the understand the world differently.
St. Michael's is a praying community

9AM Morning Prayer
We have Morning Prayer on Zoom every Monday through Thursday at 9am. We invite you to join us via zoom. Please contact the office if you are interested in joining us.
Ways we pray for one another
Bulletin Prayers
Our bulletin prayer list is for members of St. Michael’s and their immediate family members. It is published weekly in the Prayers of the People and prayed aloud at our worship services. We pray for each request for three weeks unless notified otherwise. We appreciate periodic updates.
Remember, once someone has been prayed for, they always remain in our hearts. That is the power of prayer!
Email Prayer Lists
All other prayer requests (along with the bulletin prayer requests) are emailed to St. Michael’s Prayer Group (the office) and/or directly to Fr. Rod for the Men’s Email Prayer Group. These requests may include a short description of prayer needs.
Episcopal Sisters of the order of julian of norwich pregnant mothers prater list
Additionally, Fr. Rod sends prayers for mothers who are pregnant to the Sisters of Julian of Norwich, who have a special ministry of prayer. All email prayer requests are kept confidential by the group members. If requesting prayers for someone other than yourself, you must obtain permission to put them on any list.
Some Helpful Information
- To respect the privacy of all, we do not add names unless we have permission to add them by the person for whom we are praying.
- All pastoral concerns are kept confidential and names will not be added to any list unless permission has been granted beforehand.
- It is helpful to keep the prayer team up to date on with the condition of the person/group for whom the prayers are being requested.
- Names will remain on the list for a period of one month. If you would like to have your name remain on the list, please request that they be added again. When names are removed, please remember once we pray for someone, the relationship remains on the heart, even if it is not in the forefront of the mind. You can also have re-submit the same person as needed.
- Prayer expands our ability to love and gain compassion, it is good for everyone!
It is a privilege to be a partner in prayer with you.