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Partial Wins

By March 11, 2021June 2nd, 2022No Comments

I was raised Roman Catholic and I have to say that I have never been particularly consistent or successful at giving something up during lent. No meat on Fridays…No problem, I gave up meat entirely when I was 19 so that always came by easily! But coming up with something to give up has always been a bit of a challenge. I’m not exactly the indulgent type unless its chocolate but I don’t eat meat so you’ve got to give me something!

It wasn’t until I started hearing about the alternative of adding something that I felt I could actually stick with something. That said, I have yet to be fully successful with this either but this year I am determined! So, what am I adding to feel closer to God? There was really only one thing I could think of, and I have been feeling pretty disconnected from it ever since COVID hit, and that is singing. After all it wasn’t until I joined my family’s church choir as a kid that I finally started to feel a deeper connection to God and the scripture. What better way to deepen that connection than practicing and embracing the gifts given to me? Admittedly I have not been nearly as successful as I was hoping so far…however, I have been listening to music much more and singing along with all my favorite Broadway Musicals on my commute to and from work! While that may not be exactly what I had envisioned when I started this Lent, it is still more than I was doing so I take that as a win! Even if its only a partial win… Wishing you all success (even partial) with your Lenten journeys!

Michelle Falcy


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