Goal 3: Neighborhood and New Members—Attract, engage, and develop our neighbors to become new members to grow in God. 3: Member Ministry (Ministry to our existing members)—Optimize, increase, and evaluate opportunities to engage existing members to grow in God.

Objective 3.1. By 04.30.24 Renee Pierce will form a Neighborhood & New Members Team that meets at least quarterly to oversee the implementation of the following objectives.
Objective 3.2. By 03.30.25 the Neighborhood & New Members Team will create fellowship event specifically for our neighbors and school families, and that will include an invitation to our members to attend, using our campus space creatively.
Objective 3.3. By 12.31.24 the Neighborhood & New Members Team working with the Children, Youth, & Young Adults Team & the DEI Team will have developed a Social Media plan to promote who and what St Michaels is and how to get involved.
Objective 3.4. By 12.31.24 the Neighborhood & New Members Team will have identified three outside events to promote Saint Michaels in the neighborhood.