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Goal 7:  Expand Outreach Opportunities—Reaching out to those in need


Objective 7.1.  By 12.31.24 the Mercy & Social Justice Committee will create a “housing advocacy” group to learn about the housing situation in Sacramento, create ways to advocate for more housing and support for people who are without housing.  Leverage our involvement with HART, St. Matthew’s, RCFB and AACFC.

Objective 7.2. By 12.31.24 the Mercy & Social Justice Committee will expand the partnership with Loaves and Fishes by organizing a St. Michaels team to volunteer once a month.

Objective 7.3. By 12.31.24 the Mercy & Social Justice Committee working with the Neighborhood & New Members Team, and the DEI Team will explore within our partnership with International Rescue Committee opportunities to help Refugees and discern at least 2 ideas for involvement opportunities to our members.

Objective 7.4. By 03.30.25 the Mercy & Social Justice Committee will identify current outreach activities where we can partner with other faith groups in service to others.