Goal 1: Member Ministry (Ministry to our existing members)—Optimize, increase, and evaluate opportunities to engage existing members to grow in God.
Objective 1.1. By 04.30.24 Kate Muris will form a Member Ministry Group that meets at least quarterly to oversee the implementation of the following objectives.
Objective 1.2. By 12.31.24 the Member Ministry Group in collaboration with the Spiritual Formation Team will have offered an Episcopal 101 class coordinated with the regularly scheduled confirmation class, adult education classes during (Advent and Lent).
Objective 1.3. By 12.31.24 the Member Ministry Group put on a Ministry Fair that informs the congregation about the ministries we have at St. Michael’s and encourages members to engage in ministry.
Objective 1.4. By 02.28.25 the Member Ministry Group will organize events designed for the whole congregation including but not limited to:
1.4.1. A Stewardship Event by 11.30.24
1.4.2. The Annual Meeting by 02.28.25,
1.4.3. Others to be determined.
Objective 1.5. By 12.31.24 the Member Ministry Group will have created at least one opportunity for small group gatherings that are not sign-up parties. Initial ideas:
- opportunities for annual or one-time social gatherings (i.e., BBQ for 4th of July)
- discreet learnings over a period of weeks or months (i.e., quilting class)
- small groups to come together for fellowship (i.e., science fiction book club)
Objective 1.6. By 12.31.24 the Member Ministry Group will collaborate with the Neighborhood & New Member Team to develop a process for following up with visitors/new members to be shepherded, the school on shared ministry, and youth and family ministries.