Open Bible Study Thursday (hybrid)
We meet every Thursday on Zoom at at 10am - 11:30am. We study the scriptures for the following Sunday. For more Bible Study information, please connect with the office.
We meet every Thursday on Zoom at at 10am - 11:30am. We study the scriptures for the following Sunday. For more Bible Study information, please connect with the office.
Winterdance—18th Annual Celtic Christmas Celebration Friday, December 13th at 7pm Tickets $20 – $35 available at Johnstone Hall at St. Michael’s This is a fun holiday tradition at St....
Join us for our annual service of Lessons & Carols, presented by the St. Michael’s Chancel Choir. Livestreamed on YouTube at Free Admission and open to all ages. Reception...
We live in tumultuous, challenging times. Our country is torn by widely divergent experiences and perspectives and our world is full of conflict. How do we pursue peace in our... is the online Book of Common Prayer is the online Book of Common Prayer is the online Book of Common Prayer
Contact Chuck Schaller with questions.
Newcomers orientation 7-830 centering Prayer.6:30 to 6:45 to 7:00pm set-up. Contact Chuck Schaller with questions. is the online Book of Common Prayer
We meet every Thursday on Zoom at at 10am - 11:30am. We study the scriptures for the following Sunday. For more Bible Study information, please connect with the office.