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A Word From Rev. Mary

I am so proud of St. Michael’s in this endeavor! St. Michael’s has embodied a spiritual discipline in giving and a stewardship principle in using what we can to care for others in need of the most basic necessities. Thank you all for your part in giving financial support to the church with your pledges. Thank you for the care each ministry takes to maximize our resources and use them prudently and wisely, not frivolously or cavalierly. And we are greatly indebted to the many families who have left a legacy to St. Michael’s in their wills and trusts. All three of these factors make St. Michael’s financially stable and they enable us to be generous at this particular time when things are extremely difficult for many today. I am blessed to be part of our church that acts out of gratitude for the grace that God has given us.

Rev. Mary

Big Impact Giving

St. Michael’s has built up significant reserves.  Many years ago, we were blessed with a property donation (Wagon Tree Ranch) which was eventually sold and the proceeds began a fund that has grown over the years.  We have also been blessed by many legacy gifts which contributed greatly to our reserves.  We have a long history of being careful financially.  As a result, we have often ended our fiscal year with surplus income that has been added to our reserves.  With the stock market doing so well in 2020 and 2021, our reserve funds grew to a point that our treasurer at that time, Bob McMichael, wondered what the purpose was for our reserve funds?  He wondered if as a church, we should be using some of them to help those in need (as the Gospel says).  We brought these questions to the Vestry.

Purpose of Fundraising Funds

The first step was to determine the purpose of our reserve funds. We met with Josh Anderson from the Episcopal Church Foundation for some guidance on setting up a policy for our reserve funds. We identified (4) purposes of the funds:

For Cash Flow (Keeping at least 4-6 months in reserves).
Future and Emergency Capital Expenses
Mission Expansion above and beyond our budget under extraordinary opportunities.
Impact Giving

Impact Giving

This made it clear to the vestry that we were able to give a significant amount away to those in need and still be financially responsible.


When we looked at the policy and the financial situation of St. Michael’s, the Vestry voted to make $100,000 available for impact giving using a process that was first developed by Betsy Stone, a member and experienced strategist.  The process was refined by a group of vestry members and members from Mercy and Social Justice.  The members of the group:  Deacon Cindy, John Jervis, Mary Ellen Ferguson, Eileen Thomas, Pamela Lueders, and Rev. Mary. When Deacon Cindy retired, we added Marlo Tinney to the group to take her place.

Fundraising Process

We considered organizations that were involved in these identified areas:

  1. immediate food needs,
  2. shelter/housing needs, or
  3. mental health needs.
  4. A fourth category, Afghan refugees, should be included as a population with urgent and specific needs.

This same group gathered to identify organizations that met this criteria, additionally seeking names from the congregation.  We selected five organizations and invited each to submit a short-form fund proposal.  All five responded with an application.  The group re-gathered to evaluate the applications and rank them on predetermined criteria and presented this with our ranking to the vestry.  I am delighted to announce the organizations the Vestry voted to award funding are:

We look forward to building onto this relationship with Women’s Empowerment and Sacramento Regional Family Justice Center, looking for ways to offer our members opportunities to get involved and volunteer at these two organizations as we do at River City Food Bank!

This was an amazing journey which is not ending with the awarding of the checks, but beginning with new possibilities for each of us to grow more in love.

Annual Fundraiser

We are cautiously excited that we are in the planning stages of an Outreach Fundraising Event for October 29, 2022.  Renee Pierce is in the beginning stages and would love to have your help.  Please consider joining a this group who will working on the plan for this event.  From the beginning planning to the actual event, there are many opportunities for you to work within our community and connect for a wonderful purpose.  All the proceeds from this event go to organizations that serve the need in our community.

Share your interest to help

Outreach Grant Recipients

St. Michael’s Mercy and Social Justice Committee is pleased to announce the 2021 Parishioner Guided Grants Recipients. The grants were authored by nine parishioners who are each actively involved in their nominated program- in most cases along with other St. Michael’s members. All grants meet the qualifications of being a program with St. Michael’s parishioner involvement which addresses the basic needs of food, shelter, education or health.  We make grants with the money we raise at our annual fundraiser.  Please consider getting involved.

Grant Recipients