We are an inclusive community who believes in the Love of God, Hope for the future, and that Justice is for all! Please join us in ministry.
Sunday Services
Holy Eucharist Rite II (with choir) and Livestream
Zoom evening contemplative prayer service
All Are Welcome!
We are a warm and inviting community. We believe in the power of love and grace. Since we are all made in the image of God and are God’s beloved children, we strive to
- Seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving our neighbor as ourself, with God’s help.
- Strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being, with God’s help.
- Be merciful to those who are in need, with God’s help.
Our Mission
“Centered in our love for Jesus, we worship God, reach out to those in need, celebrate our blessings, and love and care for each other. We are inclusive and welcoming of all God’s people. Together, we strive to faithfully meet the challenges of a changing world.“
St. Michael’s Clergy
are the spiritual leaders who preside over the liturgy. We are also available for pastoral counseling and spiritual guidance.
St. Michael’s Staff
are the women and men who are in the background making all things work!
St. Michael’s Vestry
are the body in the church who oversee the governance of the church and our financial health.
St. Michael’s Facilities
includes our sanctuary, Courtyard, Classrooms, Parish Hall, Johnstone Hall, and Kitchen.
St. Michael’s Vestry is primarily responsible for the financial stability and the upkeep of the church. With the Vestry, the Rector and staff work closely to determine goals and objectives so the church’s focus is not fragmented. We are all governed by St. Michael’s by-laws and the Constitutions and Canons of both the Episcopal Diocese of Northern California and the Episcopal Church.
2024 Annual Meeting
St. Michael’s annual meeting was Sunday January 28, 2024. We did the business of the church and then sat down to enjoy a lovely lunch. Thank you all who were able to come. During the meeting we:
Elected the following Vestry Members: Greg Dewey, Mary Ellen Ferguson, Kate Muris, Suzanne Phinney, and Sue Davis (for a two-year term). After the annual meeting, the vestry met where Rick Larkey was appointed Senior Warden, Chris Chamness was appointed Clerk, and John Quene was appointed Treasurer. Tammy Murray was elected by the vestry to be the Junior Warden.
Elected the Lay Diocesan Delegates – Sue Corbin, Cindy Dewey, Kate Muris, Laura Quene, Dianne Robbins, Lee Ranes, Holly Yue and Sr. Tina Francesca Ferriot and Renee Pierce as alternates.
Amended our current bylaws.
St. Michael's Green Team
St. Michael’s has a Green Team? Really!
Almighty God, in giving us dominion over things on earth, you made us fellow workers in your creation: Give us wisdom and reverence so to use the resources of nature, that no one may suffer from our abuse of them, and that generations yet to come may continue to praise you for your bounty; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
As God’s children we are tasked with stewardship of our environment. We are all concerned about the catastrophic impact of climate change. This is an issue of environmental justice as well. Climate change has disproportionate effects on the poor and marginalized, leads to increased social disparity and global instability. As a church we can take action. In 2022, the National Church adopted a resolution at the General Convention to commit to goal of Net Carbon Neutrality in operations by 2030. The Diocese of Northern California, at the November 2022 convention, called upon parishes and schools to determine how to become carbon neutral by 2030. The diocese has also provided resources to assist parishes in this endeavor. To that end, the Vestry here at St. Michael’s has formed the Green Team to investigate how we as a church, and as individuals, can become carbon neutral. The committee consists of Rick Larkey, Pat Cole, and Sue Gaston. We began meeting this fall.
So, what does Carbon Neutral mean? It means having a balance between the carbon emitted by a facility and the amount of carbon that is absorbed or removed from the atmosphere. How does a facility implement this goal? By reducing carbon emissions and providing offsets (trees, solar energy, purchase of offsets) to achieve a balance.
The Work is Beginning …
The Green Team has been meeting and working with a consultant and contractors to evaluate changes to our energy systems that move us toward becoming carbon neutral by 2030 which is the goal set by the Episcopal Church. There is an opportunity to move ahead on several easy projects that are part of the SMUD complete Energy Solutions rebate programs. Moving ahead now allows us to capture significant rebates and decrease our energy usage.
The projects are:
Payback in Years
- HVAC replacement in the Church – 8.27
- Smart Thermostats – 1.49
- Lighting Replacement (Johnstone Hall, kitchen) – 11.82
- Heat Pump Water Heater – 0.0
After rebates totaling $56,168, our cost will be $63,440. The Vestry has approved this work. Energy savings will be $8,244 per year. The work will take place in August after the summer activities. Pretty cool, eh?
We hope you are looking at ways to decrease your carbon footprint. Some ideas are to use electric appliances to replace your use of a gas stove/oven, replace old light bulbs with LED bulbs, combine errands to drive less, and, if you are going to replace appliances or a car, think about going from gas to electric. SMUD rebates can help.
Episcopal Partnerships
The Episcopal Church is led by our Presiding Bishop, The Most Rev. Michael Curry, into the Jesus Movement: The Way of Love. We are all invited to join in this ancient and wonderful movement.
The Way of Love continues the Episcopal Church’s works of Justice and Mercy. To this end, the church offers resources to explore a number of it’s current works. These can be explored on the Episcopal Church website, and links may be found here.