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Prayers of the People

The Feast of the Transfiguration – August 6, 2023 

Grateful for the gift of the presence of God in our lives, together, let us pray for the well-being of the church, the world, and the people here today, saying, God, with grateful hearts, we give thanks and praise.

We pray that God will make us into a united people who come from many places and that God will help us be welcoming to those who come seeking refuge and a life free from persecution and oppression.  God, with grateful hearts, we give thanks and praise.

We pray that those in authority will have wisdom and courage so that there may be justice and peace.  We pray that in our prosperity God will fill our hearts with gratitude and we will ever be reminded that from God all things come.  We pray for gratitude in experiences that stretch our hearts and minds and teach us to love better. God, with grateful hearts, we give thanks and praise.

We pray for the church and school.  We pray for Presiding Bishop Michael Curry. We pray for Megan, our Bishop, Mary, Katie, Rod, Roy, and Jesse, our clergy, for Mary, our head of school, for all the staff and teachers at St. Michael’s Day School and Starr King K-8. God, with grateful hearts, we give thanks and praise.

We pray for our ministries, hoping to continue to fill the minds and hearts of all who seek God by inspiring  courage and faith. God, with grateful hearts, we give thanks and praise.

We pray for the earth and its creatures, that we may experience your love with them, in them, and through them. God, with grateful hearts, we give thanks and praise.

We pray for awareness; that we will see God’s wisdom, grace, and beauty in the world. God, with grateful hearts, we give thanks and praise.

We pray that in times of trouble, God will strengthen our trust and inspire eagerness to protect the health of the vulnerable and nurture the lives of all people; let your Spirit be in all leaders of our great nation. God, with grateful hearts, we give thanks and praise.

Give comfort to all people: those who are lonely and frightened; those who are sick, imprisoned, and burdened by the injustices of daily living; those without a home, without work, and those without hope. We pray especially for those we now name: Sally, Robert, Jay, Kathy, Jane, Younghae, Jill, Zachery, Patricia, Cynthia, Dennis, Sarah, Nora, Addie, Tarra, Diane, Bill, Kyle, Tom, Mark, Bridget, Genie, Elizabeth, Bob, Mary, Gene, Ruby, Kathy, Kay, Hunter, Jake, and Billie. God, with grateful hearts, we give thanks and praise.

We pray for the departed, and peace and comfort for their families and loved ones. God, with grateful hearts, we give thanks and praise.

For whom else or what else shall we pray? (Please add your prayers silently or aloud.) God, with grateful hearts, we give thanks and praise.

Celebrant        Almighty God, we thank you for giving us inquiring and discerning hearts, the courage to will and to persevere, a spirit to know and to love you, and the gift of joy and wonder in all your works and the land in which we live.  Amen.